Thursday, September 17, 2015

12 fairway contours growing in as expected

Renovation behind 9 green underway

Jesus and crew aerify and seed the area behind the tennis courts to hard fescue. Please keep carts off this area and use the cart path to the right of 9 green.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

New monarchs emerging

Monarch butterflies are emerging from their chrysalis along the pool fence near the clubhouse entrance.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Dry conditions

We are no longer watering the driving range due to limited water supply. Other areas will be rationed if dry weather persist. Mowing schedules will be adjusted accordingly.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

12 fairway update

The new bentgrass on #12 fairway continues to fill in. Fertilizer will be applied once we get some rain and cooler temperatures.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Bentgrass nursery update

Work continues on the bentgrass nursery. Seeding should be completed by the end of this week. The nursery will be used for any small repairs that may come up on greens, collars, tees or fairways.

Environmental programs at work!

There are several Monarch caterpillar on the Swamp milkweed along the fence by the main entrance. These caterpillar should morph into beautiful Monarch butterflies and about 2 weeks.

Mowing along the stream cooridor

Some areas along the stream corridor have been mowed down in order to help control the spread of Anthraxon hispidus,   an invasive weed species.