Tuesday, August 27, 2013

the completed area

Most of the sand will be washed in tomorrow morning. The holes will take a few weeks to fill in. The area will be better off long term from the improved root zone. We will continue to aerate and add sand to this low spot throughout the fall and winter.

Rolling afterward

The area was rolled after the sand was brushed in.

brooming in sand

Sand was brushed into the holes to improve drainage.

Seeding thin spots

Any thin areas due to the wet summer were seeded to creeping bentgrass.

Drainage improvement on 6 green

Today we deep-tine aerated a low portion on # 6 green.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Brushing top dressing

Sand is brushed in by hand. This stands the grass up and works the sand into the canopy.

Sand topdressing on the greens

Sand is applied to the green to smooth the surface and increase firmness.

Renovating rough 15

Justin is verticutting the rough on hole 15 in preparation for overseeding with "turf-type tall fescue.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Renovating 15 rough

Deep-tine aeration is the first step in our rough renovation on hole 15. Next week we plan to core aerate and slit seed in two directions.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Standing water on 13 green

The course is still very wet from this mornings rain and will need several hours of sun to drain down.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Thick rough

Although the rough was cut twice this week it is still thick and growing rapidly.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Greens aeration complete

The deep-tine aeration on greens was completed this morning. All greens are open and playable. I would expect holes to be completely closed by the weekend.

Preparing for hard fescue

Bernardo mows the area between 3 & 6 tee. in preparation for seeding to hard fescue.

Rolling greens

Greens are rolled after aerification, leaving them playable right away.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Deep-tine aeration on greens

Here we are using a solid tine to aerate the green to a depth of 6-8". Aeration allows oxygen into the soil and carbon dioxide to leave the soil creating good gas exchange. Compaction is also relieved and root growth is initiated. The greens will be rolled and playable immediately.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

14 Fairway

14 fairway during heavy rains today. We can not prevent flooding rains, however the stream will receed once the watershed drains. To date the stream restoration project has performed well and saved the golf course from potentially distructive damage.

13 Green underwater

Flooding of 13 green during heavy rains today. The course will remain closed for the day.